Thursday, June 5, 2014

Blog #11

Blog #11

This week me and my partner have been preparing to almost go up and present. This week we have been putting together our presentation and how it should be done. We've almost finished putting it together. It's been a long journey this whole year trying to make up a good presentation for everyone to learn to know that bike safety is really important. The blogs that i've done have been everywhere due to the fact that we had to change our project half way through the year. I think that the way we had to adapt and present was good because we shwoed growth. I think ever year that growth is the most important thing. The next years to come due to this project will be easier because of the growth of our group. Through my journey of highschool i think this project helped me grow as a person. It showed me to be more responsibe. i think that one day looking back its a big help

Friday, May 23, 2014

Blog #12

Blog #12

This week victor and I have been talking about what exactly is going to go down for our presentation. Today in class we got the date that our presentation is due and this coming Friday. What we decided is to stick with the bike safety because of what happened with my bike. I'm going to bring my bike in as an example. Like you have seen it is in two pieces so when i bring it i'm able to show what could happen and how to avoid things from happening. Cycling is very dangerous but many people have the drive to do so. It's a sport that allows you to release the inner stress. Your bike is like your stress reliever all you have to do is keep pushing your legs. One day when i get the money i'm going to get a new bike and i'm going to pursue my love for the sport. One day soon you should try it, it'll be the best decision of your life.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Blog #10

BLOG #10

This week I've been thinking about what i am going to do now for my project. A couple weeks back i was hit by a car and my bike was totaled. It's basically unrideable. What i have been thinking about doing for my project now is safety tips when on the road. Being out there is really dangerous but if you love what you do and how you do it then why stop? It's a great sport and great for your exercise. So now for my project i think i am going to do bike safety. What you can wear and what you can do to stay safe on the road. I learned that without those things then you are putting your life at risk every time you go out on the road. One last thing is that when you are hit or are in danger make sure to doing anything you can to make the car stop that hit you because they will pay for your damage. Also dont be afraid to go see a doctor because your health and safety is most important.

Friday, April 25, 2014


Blog #9
This week was a really harsh week. On Easter Sunday i was struck by a car and was hurt. My bike was in pieces and i had no idea what to do. Right now i don't have a bike but hope to get back on one as soon as possible. like i have always said my bike is really expensive the parts on it were worth a lot of money. Most of the bike is broken. I don't have the money to go out and get a brand new bike right now. The thing that really gets me is the fact that the person that hit me didn't stop. I mean i wasn't my fault at all and for them not to stop was crazy. I was dumbfounded that the person didn't want to stop. As i layed there honestly thinking that i was going to die... that one was of the most scariest moments i have ever had on my bike. but i'm not going to let this stop me when i get the money and everything i am going to get back on my bike and am going to ride my heart out. sucks to not be able to be on a bike.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Blog #8

Blog #8

To start off I have been really working on making my bike better. I really like cycling and want to ride on the best stuff. I've been putting a lot of money aside for things that I've been waiting for. I finally was able to get a new chain. I also went clip-less. Clip-less is when the pedals are smaller and you need special shoes to clip into them. When you are clipped in there is no way of getting out except torquing your foot out the opposite direction. My bike is turning out really nice and really light like I've always wanted. It has taken time and money but trust me it is totally worth it because all in the end i am going to be able to rid ea bike that i've always wanted to ride. I love bikes and i love to ride my bike. it have been my passion for as long as i can remember. I've been able to get away on my bike i have been able to find ways on my bike that i get stuff off my mind stuff off my chest. Like i said bikes have been my life for as long as i can remember.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Blog #2

So far this i have been taking a lot of pictures lately. Me and victor have been talking about getting together and taking pictures of our bikes together. We have also been talking about where we are going to go. so far this week we have been talking about going to the beach or to downtown fullerton to take some cool pictures. Another thing is that my bike is getting old and stuff so i may get a new one. That would make to be some cool pictures too. as time has gone on my bike has been getting worked on and i have been putting new parts on it. it is like a bike evolution. also as time has been going on the pictures are getting better and better. more edited better scenery. it is turning out to be really cool! another thing is that as time goes on the rides are going to become longer and better!

Friday, January 31, 2014

Blog #1

                                                                        BLOG #1
Well it's a new year! So far this year has been pretty good. I've been to many places on my bike and have taken some pretty cool pictures. I went to the beach, to Irvine Park and also went to Venice for a race. So far this year It's been a rough year. I've had to fix my bike a lot due to dumb drivers! I've been hit a couple times and due to that i haven't been able to be on my bike as much as I've wanted to be. As soon as I fix everything i'm going to make sure to be back on the road! It sucks not being able to get on your bike as much as you want due to other peoples mistakes. In the long run it is going to make me a stronger person and a smarter person on the road.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Fixed Gear Blog #8

Fixed Gear Blog #8

So far this week I have been talking to Victor about where we are going to take pictures next. What we have come up with since tomorrow is my birthday this weekend we are going to go to the beach and take some cool pictures and celebrate my birthday. Like i said our goal is to get around 250 each. That would make a pretty cool slideshow for people to be able to watch and see how to take and edit good pictures. Another thing that people are going to learn is how to make a bike look nice and how to take care of it properly. I have taken around 50 pictures so far and am probably going to take 20 more this weekend.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Fixed Gear Blog #7

Fixed Gear Blog #7

This week we have been talking about going somewhere to take pictures. I don't know exactly where we are going to go but it is going to somewhere pretty close but really nice. Also we have found a camera to use so we don't have to use our phones anymore. Another great thing i have figured out is that I have a really cool computer program that allows me to edit pictures any way i would like. Back to what i was saying is that using our phones and i pods is to much of a hassle. Its takes up to much room and battery life to be taking saving and editing pictures on our phones. Since Christmas is coming another cool thing i am asking for is new bike parts. This will show different ways that my bike can look with different parts and will also enable me to make my bike more valuable.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Fxed Gear Blog #6

Week #6 

 This week we have done a little bit. This week we been taking pictures! All the pictures are coming out really cool and memorable. Riding places and seeing different things a really cool experience. Everyone in my group is starting to get faster. We have been making better times on longer rides. Its turning out to be a lot funner because going faster is a lot funner. Another thing that we have been doing is planning a long ride so that we can take cool pictures. We are shooting for around 250 pictures. Even if we don't hit that we are going to shoot for as many as possible. When we start to edit the project pictures we are going to mae a video slideshow of all the pictures. Hopefully if comes out really good because we are shooting for it to be the best project out there.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Fixed Gear Blog #5

Week 5:

This week has been a lot. We both agreed to do something else but it is very similar. Instead of making a video and stuff we are going to take a lot of pictures and make a slideshow of all the cool places we ride to. I think by doing this its going to be a lot funner. it is going to be funner because it is less stress and a lot more fun. Even if it is less work it is going to come out just as good even better then our last idea. I've already started i have about 20 pictures to put into it i think our goal is around 500 pictures or more. For what we have thought out I am sure that it's going to be a hell of experience. Meeting new people, enjoying the views, and just riding our hearts out. Many people just rode because it was a fad and stuff but i know that we ride because it's a passion that has built up from being young and riding bikes. It's cool that we get to show people that even if people think that it's dumb and a fad we still get to show people the good of it and the way it has touched our lives in the most positive ways. All i can say is that riding is one of my main passions and i'm going to be doing it for a very long time.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Fixed Gear Blog #2

Fixed Gear Blog #2

              So far this week i have been planning most of the time. I have been planning out how to edit, and record our video we will be making soon. Like I said we are going to ride to the beach and Victor and I are going to teach you how to ride and do many more things on a fixed gear bike. There will be many more people involved as well. So far this week we have been talking about how we are going to get there, and how we are going to edit and film the video. It might be hard but we are just going to try our best to make it the best of work. Another thing we might throw into the video is a funnies and fails. What that is, is like messing up on tricks or falling anything that could make someone laugh would work. Anyways we will start our video anytime now and hopefully make it one of the best in class.